Mega Man Derusting: Mega Man 6 (NES)

So I have a long history with the Mega Man games growing up. I came up with the Mega Man Derusting series to do such a task. The goal is to play and finish the Mega Man classic series along with most of the X series and some other Mega Man titles. I still have some of my Mega Man and X carts and discs and hadn’t really played them in years but I wanted to share my adventures on stream of relearning my way through the classic titles, and in some cases finish the later games to completion! 

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Hack Showcase: Rock Man 3 Claw (NES)

Hack Showcases and RPG Hack Showcases are a series where I show off various game and rpg hacks. I try to stick with hacks that improve gameplay or add quality of life features, completely or partially change the plot and characters, along with additional content, dialogue, graphical and sound improvements. Non-rpgs I try to give a full run to, or at least enough for a solid review. Rpgs I will stick with titles that have enough changes in the beginning to show off, and when I can, show parts later in the games where more differences appear. There may be spoilers in the reviews and videos. Some of these I may stream fully in the future or play on my own. Reviews are open to later revisions due to bug and content updates or me playing them and finding anything new I wish to bring up.

Mega Man 3 Claw is the 3rd hack of the Mega Man Claw series by Tsukikuro. This is a hack not of Mega man 3, but Rockman 3 – Dr. Wily no Saigo!, so be sure to patch the correct rom. This hack changes all the graphics, colors, level designs throughout the game to add additional challenge and fun. Enemy AI has been changed also, but passwords for vanilla Rock Man 3/Mega Man 3 do still work! Sliding is closer to how it looks the sliding distance from MM4 and MM5. You can also select weapons and Rush Adapters via the select button now and backwards by holding down and select instead of going to the sub-menu. Note: this hack is for the Japanese Rock Man 3, not the US Mega Man 3.

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Mega Man Derusting: Mega Man 5 (NES)

So I have a long history with the Mega Man games growing up. I came up with the Mega Man Derusting series to do such a task. The goal is to play and finish the Mega Man classic series along with most of the X series and some other Mega Man titles. I still have some of my Mega Man and X carts and discs and hadn’t really played them in years but I wanted to share my adventures on stream of relearning my way through the classic titles, and in some cases finish the later games to completion! 

THE REVIEW: This one was more fun than I thought it would be! It’s not very hard, but not easy either and Capcom seemed to find a great balance when it came to this. New additions to the game include the best birb Beat who attacks enemies for you once you get the 8 MEGAMANV plates in the 8 stages. The Robot Masters were pretty tough even with their weaknesses and same with the bosses in the castles. The stronger mega buster takes longer to charge and seems stronger or equivalent to the strength of most weapons. Fight through the Robot Masters to find out why Proto Man kidnapped Dr Light, and discover the truth!

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Hack Showcase: Mega Man 3 Revamped Hack (NES)

Hack Showcases and RPG Hack Showcases are a series where I show off various game and rpg hacks. I try to stick with hacks that improve gameplay or add quality of life features, completely or partially change the plot and characters, along with additional content, dialogue, graphical and sound improvements. Non-rpgs I try to give a full run to, or at least enough for a solid review. Rpgs I will stick with titles that have enough changes in the beginning to show off, and when I can, show parts later in the games where more differences appear. There may be spoilers in the reviews and videos. Some of these I may stream fully in the future or play on my own. Reviews are open to later revisions due to bug and content updates or me playing them and finding anything new I wish to bring up.

Released by TheSkipper1995, this hack is a combination of work from KujaKiller’s Mega Man 3 Improvement Hack, along with other improvements and editions from DangerDoodle, DurfarC, and MartsINY. This hack builds upon the changes from the Improvement hack with some new enemy ai, level designs, graphics and more. The changes from the Improvement Hack are still intact like the new opening, the top spin being useful, weapon selecting with the select button, etc. Others includes:

  • Liberal changes to level design to make more interesting and engaging use of enemies, hazards, and stage gimmicks; most notably longer Dr. Wily stages with over 40 screens of additional, challenging content!
  • Improved utility to Hard Knuckle which can be aimed much faster, Needle Cannon which has a much faster auto-fire rate, and Gemini Laser which doubles its speed after ricocheting once!
  • Significant added graphical detail to many stages and cutscenes including Top Man, Hard Man, Snake Man, Gemini Man, and Spark Man!
  • Additional fixes to several stray bugs that went unnoticed in Mega Man 3 Improvement!
  • A restructured story line that keeps Break Man’s secret hidden until the final act!
  • Changes to boss hitboxes and a.i. to be both less frustrating and more challenging!

Version 1.1 Update:

  • Updated bug fixes from Kuja Killer’s latest Improvement patch version 2.2.2
  • Very minor tweaks to level design and damage value balancing based on feedback.

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Mega Man Derusting: Mega Man 4 (NES)

So I have a long history with the Mega Man games growing up. I came up with the Mega Man Derusting series to do such a task. The goal is to play and finish the Mega Man classic series along with most of the X series and some other Mega Man titles. I still have some of my Mega Man and X carts and discs and hadn’t really played them in years but I wanted to share my adventures on stream of relearning my way through the classic titles, and in some cases finish the later games to completion! 

THE REVIEW: This was the last of the Mega Man classic games I had as a kid. I think I had gotten 1, 3, and 4 for Christmas various years and got 2 much later when I got into game collecting. I loved this one as much as the others, and the new mega buster was great! I was disappointed that the passwords didn’t save energy tanks either, and the game was rough to get through compared to the others. I never finished this one when I was younger cause I would get snagged up in Wily’s Castle with little weapon and energy left. Mega Man 4 is also the start of the second NES trilogy where you fight your way through a villain’s castle, before fighting Dr Wily (again), which adds to the difficulty, and new gameplay elements and older ones changed are in 4-6 too. In this adventure Dr. Cossack made 8 Robot masters to take over the world, to the surprise of Mega Man and he has to fight them and this new Doctor. Is it a trap?

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Hack Showcase: Mega Man 2 Megamix (NES)

Hack Showcases and RPG Hack Showcases are a series where I show off various game and rpg hacks. I try to stick with hacks that improve gameplay or add quality of life features, completely or partially change the plot and characters, along with additional content, dialogue, graphical and sound improvements. Non-rpgs I try to give a full run to, or at least enough for a solid review. Rpgs I will stick with titles that have enough changes in the beginning to show off, and when I can, show parts later in the games where more differences appear. There may be spoilers in the reviews and videos. Some of these I may stream fully in the future or play on my own. Reviews are open to later revisions due to bug and content updates or me playing them and finding anything new I wish to bring up.

The Mega Man 2 Megamix hack is a suite of 4 different hacks put together along with other changes by DannyPlaysSomeGames. This is very well done and adds a lot to MM2 in terms of changing your usual stretegies when you would play, along with making some things easier and bringing a few features in line with the later NES titles. The hack features and other changes include:

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Mega Man Derusting: Mega Man 3 (NES)

So I have a long history with the Mega Man games growing up. I came up with the Mega Man Derusting series to do such a task. The goal is to play and finish the Mega Man classic series along with most of the X series and some other Mega Man titles. I still have some of my Mega Man and X carts and discs and hadn’t really played them in years but I wanted to share my adventures on stream of relearning my way through the classic titles, and in some cases finish the later games to completion! 

THE REVIEW: Mega Man 3 is my favorite of the classic series and the one I have the most experience with. I still love it to this day even with its faults. The story goes Dr. Wily and Dr. Light are working together to build a peace keeping robot(?) named Gamma. They needed extra material so they sent Mega Man out to acquire them and he has to fight 8 new Robot Masters. There’s also the fights with the mysterious Break Man who shows up in some levels to test you. This is also the first of the Mega Man games where after the 8 Robot Masters you don’t go straight to Wily. You have to fight the might 8 Doc Robots in 4 of the previous stages. The Doc Robots have the powers of the Robot Masters from Mega Man 2! Wily was behind everything all along! In Dr. Wily’s newest castle, you’re gonna find yourself fighting a rebuilt Yellow Devil too! Dr. Light also built Rush, a robotic dog to assist Mega Man instead of using utility items. Rush can fly, bounce you higher, and act as a submarine. This is the first MM title with Rush, who becomes a recurring helper in the later games, and the second MM title (and last) where the password system also carries your up to 9 Energy tanks too. Learning a lot about this title recently I’ve discovered there was quite a bit about MM3 that was unfinished or unpolished, leading to lots of glitches to exploit (like getting the Rush Jet early!)

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Mega Man Derusting: Mega Man 2 (NES)

So I have a long history with the Mega Man games growing up. I came up with the Mega Man Derusting series to do such a task. The goal is to play and finish the Mega Man classic series along with most of the X series and some other Mega Man titles. I still have some of my Mega Man and X carts and discs and hadn’t really played them in years but I wanted to share my adventures on stream of relearning my way through the classic titles, and in some cases finish the later games to completion! 

THE REVIEW: Mega Man 2 is actually the best selling Mega Man game of the series by Capcom. Released in 1988 in Japan and then in 1989 in North America, MM2 takes place a year after the events of the first game. Dr Wily is on a mission to take over the world and get revenge on Mega Man and this time built his own 8 Robot masters for his plans. Like the first game and many more after it, each lair of the Robot master is a reflection of their powers and each one will tax your gameplaying to the limit as you learn new tricks to avoid enemies and obstacles. Defeating a Robot master gains his special weapon which you can use on other bosses and to get you through stages. Defeating certain Robot Masters will gain you special items for flying across places and for getting to higher ledges. Defeating the 8 will open up Wily’s Castle where you’ll fight through many stages and fight incredible bosses before a rematch with the mad doctor himself twice. new additions to MM2 in this game became staples to the series in later editions such as new graphics for weapon energy and your own energy, energy tanks and a password system to resume where you left off later.

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Hack Showcase: Mega Man X in Sonic 2 (Sega Genesis)

Hack Showcases and RPG Hack Showcases are a series where I show off various game and rpg hacks. I try to stick with hacks that improve gameplay or add quality of life features, completely or partially change the plot and characters, along with additional content, dialogue, graphical and sound improvements. Non-rpgs I try to give a full run to, or at least enough for a solid review. Rpgs I will stick with titles that have enough changes in the beginning to show off, and when I can, show parts later in the games where more differences appear. There may be spoilers in the reviews and videos. Some of these I may stream fully in the future or play on my own. Reviews are open to later revisions due to bug and content updates or me playing them and finding anything new I wish to bring up.

Mega Man X in Sonic 2 is a Sonic 2 hack which allows you to play as X in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 stages that was made by Pacca at SHC 2018 (Sonic Hacking Contest 2018). I discovered this by accident a few nights ago on YouTube and I love it! This began as a simple swap of Sonic for Mega man X and evolved into its own full-fledged game. X has a stage select of all the Sonic 2 stages, and the game also has all of X’s upgrades hidden in 4 stages, and 8 different heart tanks to increase your life bar. The upgrades do the same as they would in the X series: armor decreases your damage, boots for dashing, X-Buster upgrade for stronger shots. Not sure about the helmet in this hack. You’ll fight through the stages as X shooting enemies to free the animals and fighting Robotnik. Defeating Robotnik gains you a new weapon like in the X series! You can return to stages after finishing them and game over doesn’t mean starting over again from the beginning! No bonus stages though. The power-ups from Sonic 2 were replaced with X’s energy and weapon energy power-ups in the tv monitors, but the speed shoes and shield remain. And look for cameos by Zero too!

So how is it? This hack is a lot of fun and merges Mega Man X with Sonic 2 in such a fun way! X replaces Sonic in all the levels, but everything else about Sonic 2 remains the same: enemies, rings, Robotnik too. Rings really only count for points since hitting checkpoints don’t trigger bonus stages and there’s no Chaos Emeralds in play here. Having X as a ranged fighter against enemies and the boss fights makes this hack easier than Sonic 2 itself since you don’t have to spin close to ko anything. Wall sliding and climbing in this lets you find any of the secrets or hidden heart tanks and X’s upgrades. 4 of the levels has X’s upgrades, and all the stages have a heart tank, usually in Act 2. Boss fights play out the same but after completion you gain a new special weapon like in a Mega Man classic series title. The weapons have their uses places but you still may find yourself using the X-Buster regardless, moreso with some forms of Robotnik.

Like I mentioned before, the stage select screen is based on the first X title and you can enter the 8 stages of Sonic 2 in any order. Game over doesn’t mean a complete restart like in Sonic 2, you keep any upgrades and gear and can go back to a stage to try again. You can re-enter finished stages to pick up any upgrades you missed, and earning continues are the same as in Sonic 2 by scoring enough points when you finish an act (symbol for continues is classic Mega Man). Using a continue doesn’t refill your special weapon energy completely though, so if you get stuck on a boss and need that special weapon you may have to just game over to reset all your energy. Monitors for weapon and energy refills do respawn after losing a life or restarting with a continue though.

I can’t really say much bad about this…this is how you do a hack where you put in a different character than normal. X really changes the game in your play style and how you fight enemies and Robotnik. It’s part Sonic, part MMX! Kinda sad the title screen wasn’t changed much, but keep an eye out for Zero too! Really only downside is some jank when you get stuck in a hidden cave sometimes where the graphics kinda break up, and some the animations of X don’t match what’s going on screen when you have to interact with an object (like grabbing a vine).



Links: – Download it here – Sonic Hacking Contest Vault


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Mega Man Derusting: Mega Man 1 (NES)

So I have a long history with the Mega Man games growing up. I came up with the Mega Man Derusting series to do such a task. The goal is to play and finish the Mega Man classic series along with most of the X series and some other Mega Man titles. I still have some of my Mega Man and X carts and discs and hadn’t really played them in years but I wanted to share my adventures on stream of relearning my way through the classic titles, and in some cases finish the later games to completion! 

THE REVIEW: Mega Man 1 was released by Capcom in 1987. Comparing this to the later games is rough due to the differences between the first title and later games in the series. Mega Man puts you in the role of the super robot Mega Man as he fights Dr. Wily. To get to Wily, you need to beat the 6 robots that he reprogrammed for nefarious deeds first. Traveling through each world is a reflection of which Robot Master lives there. Guts Man’s area is a construction zone, Elec Man’s stage has many electric beams and so on. Beating one of the Robot Masters will gain you their special weapon and a ton of points. This weapon can be used against enemies throughout other stages and the other Robot Masters themselves. Each Mega Man game has an order, or multiple, to progress through the game to beat one Robot Master and use its weapon against the next one. The Robot Masters paths are compared to playing rock, paper, scissors. Finishing off the 6 Robot Masters will open up Dr. Wily’s castle where you’ll use all those weapons, and a special support item called the Magnet Beam, to fight your way through Wily’s horrors and stop him from trying to take over the world.

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