My History with the Mega Man and Mega Man X Series

The “My History With…” series are my thoughts back when I was a kid to young adult, about when I got games of a series, my initial thoughts about them, and other thoughts about the games. I stick to games I have or had, not one I played for the first time when i discovered emulation or modern system remakes. 

So I’ve mentioned before I do have a long history playing and loving the NES Mega Man series. First one I played being 2 thanks to a cousin and he and I tore it up figuring out the order to fight the Robot Masters, figuring out the weapons to use in Wily’s Castle, and looking through Nintendo Power issues for if/when the password system was cracked. MM3 was the first one I owned myself and loved, doing the same as with 3, and eventually went back to the series roots with 1, and 4. Never owned 5 or 6, though I eventually did play them via roms and played them again, along with 7 in the ps2 MM Anniversary Collection. I had played 8 thanks to a cousin bringing his copy over.


I think I got this for a gift sometime after getting MM3 and 4. I knew it was the first and didn’t have the polish of the later games, but I still had a blast! Never finished it, but i did learn the boss order and about the pause buffering from Nintendo Power. Not so much a favorite of mine, but still fun seeing its more crude compared to the later ones.

Now we’re talking, this was my first when a cousin brought this over to play, a lot! We spent hours exploring the game, figuring out the order, and even going against the order to try runs with different weapons. I never finished it as a kid cause I got stopped up at the Boobeams Trap like most people, and that was even after knowing you could blow up the walls and they won’t return during your next trip. Probably my 2nd favorite of the NES games! I think I bought this one myself some years back since it was the one I played the most outside of others. In March of 2023, I finished this on both difficulties buster only! Never doing Difficult Mode buster only again though.

This was the first Mega Man I owned and still my favorite and most played out of the NES games. This is still my favorite, even though knowing now how broken and glitchy the game is. I can still rock most of the game except for still getting stuck in Doc Robot Hell. This one has my favorite of the Robot Masters and music and a few favorite weapons! After relearning this it’s still a favorite of mine to play and find hacks for like the MM3 Improvement and Revamped hacks! In March 2023, I finished this buster only! Many my streaming friends are surprised how well I rock it in this game too!

Probably the 2nd MM NES title I owned. I was fascinated by the Robot Masters in this one as a kid, glad there wasn’t a hellish portion with Doc Robots again but surprised there were 2 boss castles (which is why i call MM4-6 the 2 boss castle trilogy). I never finished this one as a kid either cause I’d get stuck in Wily’s with no e-tanks. I finished this one for the first time on stream, after a couple tries.

First time and only times I really played this was with a cousin of mine. I had forgotten about this until I got older and into game collecting and streaming. I found the plot interesting and even younger I found the voice acting cheesy, but then again it was the early years of video game voice acting and anime dubs. Finishing this one recently I enjoyed the plot and the soundtrack, but it felt kinda meh compared to the others. I don’t think I would revisit this thanks to the 1st Wily boss and the “jump jump, slide slide” sections.

I think I first played this at a friend’s house or rented it and I was blown away. The soundtrack kicked ass the minute you turned on the console and you were fed a rainbow of colors when you started the game. Seeing Mega Man X and its cast in beautiful colors was amazing to me as a late teen! I loved relearning how the X series worked with the new mechanics and upgrades and liked the idea of the bosses being called Mavericks in a more mature storyline set in the future. I finished this for the first time a couple years ago and enjoy revisiting it when I can! Zero was also awesome!

This one I did rent often as a late teen and I think the first of the X series I finished. I enjoyed the still mature storyline set by the first game and started seeing how Sigma would be the “It was Wily all along!” of the X series. The colors and soundtrack still blew me away with how many colors and what a great and mature soundtrack this game had. I enjoyed learning the new mechanics of this one and the following games that started with the first X game.

X4 was the first one I owned and loved the upgrades to the series on the 32-bit PS1 system. I can play as X or Zero now, sweet! Loved how both had their own fighting styles getting through the stages with X being a ranged fighter and Zero being a melee fighter with his sword. The graphics and soundtrack still amaze me. I think this is my favorite of the X series and something I need to finish cause I always get stuck up on the final Sigma fights. X4 and X2 are my favorites!

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