Hack Showcase: Mega Man 2 Revamped (NES)

Hack Showcases and RPG Hack Showcases are a series where I show off various game and rpg hacks. I try to stick with hacks that improve gameplay or add quality of life features, completely or partially change the plot and characters, along with additional content, dialogue, graphical and sound improvements. Non-rpgs I try to give a full run to, or at least enough for a solid review. Rpgs I will stick with titles that have enough changes in the beginning to show off, and when I can, show parts later in the games where more differences appear. There may be spoilers in the reviews and videos. Some of these I may stream fully in the future or play on my own. Reviews are open to later revisions due to bug and content updates or me playing them and finding anything new I wish to bring up.

Created by TheSkipper1995, this hack is just like the Mega Man 3 Revamped hack where it adds polish and other corrections to Mega Man 2 with hose weapons are used, ai of enemies and bosses, new level design to benefit stage gimmicks and more. There’s also 3 optional patches included with the base hack which are recommended:

  • NoFlash – Removes the flashing visual effects
  • Friction – Removes the slide Mega Man does when he stops running
  • FastEnergy – Faster speed which energy is refilled

SO HOW IS IT? This is a great hack, it doesn’t have as much to fix as Mega Man 3 Revamped, but the fixes add to the hack’s quality and experience. The levels were reimagined like MM3 Revamped, so there’s more traps and enemies to get past and the levels make better use of the stage gimmicks too. Flash Man’s stage with the beams will give you anxiety all over again if you don’t use the Flash Stopper as you’re falling in both sections. More spikes were added to levels so you can’t jump wildly either. The graphical enhancements in some levels are a great touch and add more personality to the stages like the diamonds on the background of Flash Man’s stage and vines in Wood Man’s stage. You can also now jump between the chains for the spikepresses and try discovering what weapon that can destroy them!

Some weapons were nerfed a bit and others made stronger. The Metal Blades are still your all purpose weapon even with lower ammo. The Atomic Fire was made even stronger at max and the Time Stopper and Crash Bombs are toggleable! Turn the Flash Stopper on and off as needed and blow up a Crash Bomb when you want! The Leaf Shield actually moves with you so you don’t need to use it or throw it while standing still.

Robot Masters and bosses have had their AI tweaked so the fights will be a little tougher even with having their weakness. Robot Masters also have a secondary weakness for you to discover! Other quality of life fixes knocked out a few random glitches throughout Mega Man 2 and you now have an Energy Balancer for recharging other weapon energies! If you know mega Man 2, this hack won’t be as tough, but keep an eye out for new traps and invisible floors especially in Wily’s Stages! Before a few bosses in Wily’s Castle there’s extra weapon energy and respawning enemies for farming. I’m sure they’re in both difficulties. I like the idea of it though it does make things a tad easier. I think the last time I saw those before Wily bosses was playing the Atari 2600 MM2 Demake. I highly recommend this version of Mega Man 2!



https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6983/ – Mega Man 2 Revamped

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